im / possible images
15.07.2021 – 19.09.2021
Images constitute and influence the fabric of our everyday lives. We might even say that our lives are now ruled by a regime of the optical. How is such a regime constructed? Whether perceptible or invisible, im/possible images presents a range of possible images along with new strategies and methods of “making visible” that explore the conditions of image making today. How does resolution shape an image? How does the process of resolving compromise its rendering? Can one listen to an image? And how has the field of computer simulation expanded the rules of imagery? Curated by Rosa Menkman and Luzi Gross.
Federico Delfrati & Judith Neunhäuserer
A bar at the end of the universe
11.09.2021 – 14.11.2021
Opening 10.09.
In nine videos, guests from diverse disciplines come together in an apocalyptic preparatory course. Differing personalities, experiences, and competencies with differing potentials of imagination, means of knowledge production, and symbol systems intermingle and interact to lead the audience beyond the end. Curated by Judith Neunhäuserer, Federico Delfrati, and Lisa Britzger.
dissolving matter & value
08.10.2021 – 28.11.2021
Opening 07.10.
dissolving matter & value studies transitions from one (physical) state to another and the concomitant processes of appreciation, depreciation, and consumption. The focus is on the normative presuppositions and the social codes that separate the valuable from the valueless. Which interrelations between ecology and economy, between geo- and ego do they produce? What is staked in hopes of gaining what? What is at our disposal? What comes into being when value evanesces?
81667 München